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Fact vs. Fiction

Some community conversation regarding Winston Farm has been inaccurate and misleading. Get the facts here.


Winston Farm’s concept plan outlines exactly what will be developed, and where, at the property.


The concept plan reflects the property’s capacity for development, and it includes diverse potential uses. These were outlined to secure information that’s crucial for smart development, such as environmental impacts, water usage, and stormwater and sewer needs. However, none of these development concepts or locations are final. Development specifics cannot be determined until numerous in-depth studies and tests are complete. Before any construction can take place, the Saugerties Town Board must approve a detailed zoning amendment outlining the site’s uses and the Planning Board must approve the layout for the uses.


There has been, and will be, no thought to sustainable building materials and or energy-efficient building techniques.


This is extremely inaccurate. Winston Farm’s owners are committed to the most innovative types of building construction, along with heating, cooling and water-saving technology. These will be considered when Winston Farm’s owners interview companies interested in operating at the site. In addition, before construction, the Town Board will ensure sustainability is addressed and that plans adhere to the Town of Saugerties’ Climate Action Plan.


Winston Farm’s location is not a good place for development.


The Hudson Valley Economic Development Corp. identified this location, adjacent to the Thruway’s Exit 20, as an ideal location for development. The location also is optimum because of the ease of connecting to village and town water as well as sewer and gas systems. Development at this location can mean preserving other locations from development.


The property will be overdeveloped and the majority of the property will be clear-cut.


A substantial portion of the property will remain open space. Winston Farm’s goal has always been to retain as much of the property’s natural beauty as possible.


Winston Farm is being rammed through with no consideration about residents’ concerns.


Not at all! Winston Farm’s owners are Saugerties residents and businessmen. They’re already collaborating with the community and Saugerties officials to create a development that inspires pride, jobs, tax revenue and quality of life. More than 40 community members shared input at a 2023 public hearing, and there will be future opportunities for public comment. Those insights will help frame the Town of Saugerties’ municipal review.


Winston Farm intends to sell water to the town or village of Saugerties.


The owners and their consultants are closely evaluating the property’s water supply. Water availability will be a major consideration in shaping the property’s capacity for development. Tests will show if the water availability will match or exceed Winston Farm’s daily needs.

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