Winston Farm: A Transformative Opportunity in Collaboration with the Saugerties Community
Saugerties Farm, LLC is proposing to transform the 840-acre property known as the Winston Farm in Saugerties, NY, into a premier regional mixed-use destination venue for the Hudson Valley.
Winston Farm represents an opportunity to bring new vitality and an economic powerhouse to the Hudson Valley in new and exciting ways. This mixed-use destination will create several thousand jobs and opportunities for numerous agri-tech and -tourism, light-industrial, commercial, residential and hospitality businesses, as well as urgently needed housing units that include workforce and inclusionary housing. It will do so while preserving a historic property’s rich history, natural gifts, beauty and charm through parks and trails for public enjoyment. Learn More »

Substantial Benefits:
- Residential, commercial, tourism and hospitality uses will generate $62 million in annual economic impact.
- Self-sufficiency regarding water.
- Comprehensive traffic solutions.
- Protecting the property’s history, mansion, wetlands, aquifers, habitat, waterways and environmental resources.
- Preservation of substantial open space.
Winston Farm has long been considered one of the most highly desirable properties in the Hudson Valley due to its history, scale, topography and scenic views. Its location at 119 Augusta Savage Road, Saugerties, N.Y., immediately across from Exit 20 of the New York State Thruway, is ideal. These factors are what led the Hudson Valley Economic Development Corp. to previously designate Winston Farm as a prime development location. Winston Farm has applied for a zoning change to create the Winston Farm Planned Development District (PDD). As part of this application, a Draft Generic Environmental Impact Statement has been submitted to the Saugerties Town Board. The DGEIS is comprised of numerous in-depth studies that examine and evaluate topics such as economic impact, traffic, water needs, the habitat, air quality, wetlands, energy needs, the site’s history and others. It also outlines development potential and comprehensive benefits. See a summary by clicking below.