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Letter to the Editor, Hudson Valley One: Learn the Facts About Winston Farm

Dear Editor,

The Winston Farm proposal in Saugerties does not call for blacktopping 840 acres. It does not require clear-cutting every tree. It does not mean Saugerties will run out of drinking water or that it will be unsafe.

This irresponsible propaganda is from out-of-town opponents, such as Catskill Mountainkeeper, seeking donations and headlines. The record must be set straight.

Winston Farm’s proposal focuses on creating jobs through tourism, entertainment, recreation and commercial/retail while providing much-needed housing. Specifics cannot be determined until in-depth studies on traffic, water needs, habitat and other potential impacts are complete. The Town of Saugerties is finalizing what will be reviewed.

It’s true that substantial open space will be preserved by owners Tony Montano, John Mullen and Randy Richers, Saugerties residents and businessmen known for their integrity. And it’s true that construction cannot move forward until studies are done, detailed plans are created, the public has additional say and the town gives final approval. That will take months, a year, maybe longer. A de facto self-imposed moratorium is in place for rational reasons.

The Hudson Valley Economic Development Corp. called Winston Farm ideal for development because it’s adjacent to the Thruway’s Exit 20, away from the village, and near hookups to water, wastewater processing and utilities. The Ulster County Chamber of Commerce also supports the proposal.

Embrace the truth: Winston Farm is a rare opportunity. Let science-driven reviews unfold with collaboration and smart thinking. Learn more at

Josh Sommers
The writer is a Winston Farm project representative.

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